India'S Cotton Textile Exports To China Plummeted By 74% In The Second Quarter
From April to June this year, India's cotton textile exports to China fell by 74% to US $90 million.
China's share of India's total cotton textile exports also halved to 6.9% in the current quarter, compared with 14% in the corresponding quarter of the previous fiscal year. According to the data provided by texprocil, India's cotton textile exports to China reached 346 million US dollars in the first quarter of last year.
"Recently, the governments of India and China have taken reciprocal measures, such as conducting detailed shipment inspections at ports and delaying customs clearance of goods, which also led to a decline in exports," said kV Srinivasan, managing director of premier Textiles Ltd. "The substitution of textiles imported from China and the imposition of anti-dumping duties on certain Chinese products may have an impact on the export of Indian cotton textiles."
China is a major importer of raw cotton and cotton yarn from India and the largest textile exporter in the world. "Exports to China fell sharply in the first quarter compared with the same period last year," said Kitty Shah, managing director of textile world.
Overall, India's cotton textile exports fell 47% in the first quarter of this year to $1.29 billion, compared with $2.42 billion in the same quarter last year. One of the main reasons is supply chain disruption.
Siddhartha Rajagopal, texprocil's executive director, said delays in documents, especially certificates of origin in China, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia, also delayed delivery and affected exports. He said delays at the port also led to a decline due to the isolation of the new outbreak.
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