Lilang In The Third Quarter: Retail Sales Increased By 5% To 10% Year On Year, Winning Many Awards
Recently, China LiLang Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "LiLang") released a performance announcement for the third quarter of 2020. The announcement pointed out that the retail value of "lilanz" products (calculated by retail value) increased by 5% to 10% compared with the same period in 2019.
Wang Dongxing, chairman and executive director of LiLang, said that in the third quarter of 2020, the market will gradually recover and consumer demand will pick up in succession, which will lead to the recovery of the gross retail sales of the group's products. In particular, the retail sales amount of "lilanz" products has jumped by more than 40% compared with the same period last year. In addition to promoting distributors to open stores in outlets shopping malls and speeding up inventory clearance, the group will continue to improve operational efficiency, inventory management, e-commerce business and brand promotion, so as to promote the steady development of business in the second half of the year.
It is worth mentioning that in addition to outstanding performance, LiLang also gained a lot in awards in the third quarter. Among them, LiLang (China) Co., Ltd. won the honorary title of "leading fashion new business men's wear brand in 2020" at the 15th Asian brand ceremony and award ceremony; in the 15th commercial real estate Festival, LiLang (China) Co., Ltd. won the award of "outstanding enterprise of the year in retail industry" and lilanz (less is) More) won the title of "brand innovator of the year" with a series of innovative changes.
In addition, at the Y2Y brand Youth Festival and the 9th admen international award awarding ceremony, LiLang also included five awards, including "actual combat gold case Award", "brand 100 year case", "brand rejuvenation case Award", "brand rejuvenation case Award", "2020 contemporary Chinese brand outstanding young talent honor".
Undoubtedly, in the current consumption reform and the rise of the new generation, LiLang's brand influence is becoming stronger and stronger.
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